
Types Of Grass Used In North Florida Landscaping

Here in Florida, we don’t really get a winter. Not like the ones in Colorado or Vermont, for example. We are lucky enough to be, for the most part, warm all year round. This also means that we have to tend to our lawns all year. Grass can only grow if there is moisture so if we have warm temperatures but no moisture, grasses tend to go dormant. Here in Jacksonville, our grass grows depending on these factors. We have several different grasses in Florida, all of which still needs to be cut by professional landscapers like C & L Landscapes.

St. Augustine Grass

This is the most common type of grass for home lawns. It is perfect for warm, humid conditions and can grow in many different types of soil. It is recommended that this type of grass is cut every 14 days in the winter.

Bahia Grass

This type of grass is found in pastures where sandy soil exist. It is drought tolerant but can turn yellow when there is a lack of Iron in the soil. To control weeds in the grass, certain requirements must be met; you need adequate moisture in the soil, have a temperature of between 60-85 degrees and the grass cannot be experiencing any stress. Bahia grass thrives in full sun and should be mowed when it gets to a height of 3-4 inches.

Zoysia Grass

This type of grass is used in both residential and commercial landscapes because of its adaptability to different types of soils. Zoysia grasses can be seen on athletic fields and golf courses as well. It can handle full sun as well as some shade. Zoysia grass resists most weeds and does not require that much mowing. Make sure you have your Zoysia grass cut when it gets to about 2-3 inches.

No matter what type of grass you have on your property, it still needs to be cut. When you are ready to hire one of the best landscapers in Jacksonville, FL, call C & L Landscapes today.